Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The Return

I have a correction to make on Buenos Aires. It is not that it feels like Melbourne, but that it is what Melbourne wants to be. Everywhere there are nice cafes open all hours, with nice coffee, chocolates and wifi everywhere.

On Sunday night I went to a public dancing night. It was really good and I found a nice local who spoke some English who helped me out with what was going on and frequently provided a dance partner. I also met some nice English tourists. I stayed till 1AM, at which point the place will still full and the locals showed no sign of slowing down though many of them must have had work that day. This is apparently quite common, as dinner will often go as late as midnight and then people will head out.

The following day I ran into my new English friends at a impressive old cemetery, which means by my probability theories that Buenos Aires has even less people than Melbourne*. I have had a very good time here, though going home is a good thing now. I will see people soon I am sure.

* 50, for those who do not know.

Sunday, June 01, 2008


Buenos Aires feels a lot like Melbourne when coming from Brazil. The city is very clean, functional and vibrant. Many things have the same cost as Australia, but some (such as food) are much cheaper. I have looked around at some canes and cuff links in various stores and markets but not seen anything worth buying.

I have had a couple of meals with some family friends here who have been most generous. I have had dinner at their house with the family and last night I was taken out to a restaurant for a birthday meal. There was even valet parking, a first for me.

I have purchased some new dancing shoes which I plan to put to use tonight. I think I am going to a social dance place which may have some sort of class at the start of the night. Or not, I will find out! I have been walking a lot lately and my knee/ankle are complaining so today I am taking it easy. To this end I am about to venture out to view the latest Indiana Jones film.